Sunday, January 26, 2025

PEX#19 – Victoria Rose – Using Plant Medicines to Connect with our Primal Being • Psychedelic Experience


In this week’s podcast Tim Cools speaks with Victoria Rose,  pre- and perinatal psychology and health educator, birth visionary and traditional birth witness, about working with plant medicines and allowing them to teach us how to tune into our reality and create a deeper relationship with our world by connectig with our primal self.

  • Victoria’s Background
  • Pre- and perinatal psychology
  • Experiencing our (re-)birth through a ceremony
  • Ayahuasca introduces us to the world of plants
  • Master Plants
  • The Different Kinds of Dietas
  • Forming New Relationships With Our World

About Victoria Rose

Victoria is a pre- and perinatal psychology and health educator, birth visionary and traditional birth witness, registered massage therapist, Reiki Master for fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum, ceremonialist, contemporary vegetalista, and Ayahuasca preparation and integration guide. She has apprenticed extensively with elder and birth pioneer Barbara Essman,founder and director of The Sacred Birthing School on Kaua’i Hawaii – with whom she’s completed several trainings and certifications in conscious conception, pregnancy and birth, birthing the next generations, and conscious death and dying.She’s an active member and ongoing student of APPPAH, the Association of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health.Victoria has been deeply steeped in ancient traditional amazonian medicine for nearly a decade, which has included spending extensive periods of time living and working alongside her beloved master teachers and their families in the Peruvian jungle. Among her vast experience sharing the healing of this wisdom tradition around the world, she’s had the privilege of working as a ceremony and retreat facilitator at Riosbo Research and Healing Center located in the heart of the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve along the bank of the Nanay River in the Amazon rainforest, where the first-ever government-funded scientific research studies looking at the impacts of Ayahuasca on mental health and DNA expression are currently being hosted. Victoria is the founder of Luminous Birth – a living transmission that directly supports the highly sophisticated beings that are currently incarnating on planet earth. Luminous Birth an authentic weaving of modern scientific discovery and ancient wisdom and exploration of the prenatal origins of human and societal health.Victoria works predominantly online, supporting women and couples all over the world to navigate the psycho-spiritual dimensions of birth and the creation of family. Her greatest passion is helping people to really incarnate the wisdom of ceremony and the teachings of the master plants, through the journey of conception, pregnancy, and birth.She provides birth preparation and education that equips couples to conceive, grow, and birth their babies in love and sovereignty and navigate the modern industries and structures that so often oppose natures intelligent design.Victoria guides adults back to transcribe the living memories of their own birth and pre-birth, conception and pre- conception experiences, in order to reclaim the energetic excellence of their own true essence, remember their power and purpose, and revitalize their health, life, work, and relationships. She believes this is the work of our time: coming back into right-relationship with nature, and consciously engaging as active participants in our lives; she says this is the most optimal way one can prepare themselves for any kind of journey involving non-ordinary states.

Victoria is a whole hearted believer that in order to create a new world we must birth a new humanity, and we must remember that the health of women determines the health of families, which determines the health of communities, and therefore the health of our world.

Website: https://luminousbirth.earthIG: @luminousbirth


Email address:
Riosbo Ayahuasca Retreat and Research Centre:
Sacred Birthing School:

About Tim Cools

Tim is a psychedelic integration specialist and legal psychedelic guide. He facilitates powerful, life-changing experiences for professionals, to help their professional lives come in alignment with personal ambition and values.

Tim is a Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) teacher, a certified coach, and psychedelic advocate, educator and guide.

He is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Tools Of Awareness, a personal development center focussed on combining psychedelics and mindfulness to grow personal and interpersonal awareness though (online) courses and retreats.

Furthermore, he founded Psychedelic Experience, an online non-profit platform for information surrounding psychedelic substances. It’s a community based non-profit organization, created by and for psychedelic and plant medicine communities.

His personal interests are technology, meditation, metaphysical and eastern philosophies, shamanism and the healing power of nature and plants.

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